Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What is this, Chili's?

Chef Thomas Keller of French Laundry fame is instituting an automatic 20% service charge at his Manhattan restaurant, Per Se on all orders. Let's see, starting at $175 per person at a six person table (the minimum at Chili's for auto-service charges), then how about $50* a person for wine. That's a $270.00 tip! Too bad the server's gotta share it with the lowlife line cooks and food runners!

Ya, I know, it's probably way more.

"lowlife line cook"? :(
even we deserve a tip out!!
although, i've yet to work in an establishment where there the servers have to tip out the cooks.
That was in jest baby.
You guys totally deserve the tip.
I was playing the role of an indignant server.
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