Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Sous vide? Sous fine!

I don't know enough about cooking "sous vide" to describe its merits or drawbacks. My first impression, is that it goes against everything I know about cooking. I mean, vacuum sealed food in plastic, then slowly poached/simmered until done? Sounds too... industrial and institutional at first. But when God, er, Thomas Keller of French Laundry and Per Se fame is an adherent to the technique, I should give it some more respect.
Since this technique is relatively new to the restaurant scene, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has

What excites me, is that Mr. Keller will be comine out with cookbook devoted to sous vide.
Photos courtesy of Saute Wednesday.
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I know next to nothing. But, when I see salmon cooked in a ziploc, I can't help but think the plastic is going to leach into the food.
I am willing to be proven wrong.
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I am willing to be proven wrong.
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